I read a lot of good common sense suggestions but nothing really stood out to me. I happened to be on the Abraham Hicks website, saw the free video link and decided to check it out. As I watched all the videos there was one questioner that caught my attention. A woman was asking about how we bring about a movement for change. I liked this question because I believe that empowered people bring positive change. As most of you know I love political involvement and I enjoy empowering people to their greatness. But I often find that people get so focused on how disempowered they are that it's hard to bring about the very thing they are working so hard for.
I've heard many great people talk about the power of working for something rather than fighting against it. I have definitely found this to be true in my own life. I would much rather work for a cause that is focused on the desired outcome and the benefit it will bring to others rather than only reacting to what is.
Anyway, this woman was asking about how to bring about a movement for change and I loved what Abraham had to say to her. I didn't transcribe the whole thing but here is a portion of what Abraham was recommending the woman say to others. The video is titled Gay Rights and the Law of Attraction but Abraham's words could be applied to any cause that you want to champion.
"I lived in the world that has so many wonderful things about it and I began to see among the wonderful things, things that weren't quite so wonderful. And those things pained me because I want a wonderful world, not just for myself but for others. Somehow I've never been able to separate myself from others. I care about life. I care about Well-Being. I care about upliftment. I want people to be joyful. I want to be joyful. So in the living of life I gave birth, I could feel it happen, to all kinds of new ideas. I have a dream about the way life can be on this planet. I see a time where people can live among one another in a variety of personalities, a variety of genders, a variety of financial and sexual and every other kind of orientation. I see a world of such diversity that provides us strength and basis for mighty expansion. I see a world where in our differences we find our true strengths. I see a world where, as we come together in our differences, not agreeing with one another but understanding that our differences provided the basis from which we all create and that in this creation there is enough for all of us. I understand that this is a world of unlimitedness. I no longer believe in shortage. I no longer see limitations and lack. I now understand that people don't have to think what I think in order for me to think it or be what I be in order for me to be it. I now understand that I am unlimited and that all along this dream that I have dreamed has been dreamed by others and has been lived by many. I am now making claim to all of you that I intend to now live my dream. I am free to be as I be. I think the thoughts that give me the resonance of that. I am no longer going to ask the impossible of the world to come into alignment with what I want because I don't want world alignment. I want diversity. The diversity is the basis of that which we are becoming. I need and want only alignment between me and my dream".
Now that's what I call empowerment!