Sunday, June 3, 2007

Note From the Universe

Good news!

By virtue of your brave presence in time and space, an often challenging and sometimes even frightful arena, you're pre-qualified for platinum
Universal assistance.

This coverage is unlike any other on the market. As a Time~Space Adventurer, you have at your disposal our unlimited resources, invisible principles, and trillions of years of experience, momentum, and overhead.

We can solve any problem, intervene in any crisis and, quite effortlessly, shock and delight the senses at a moment's notice. And best of all, this coverage is free, eternal, and irrevocable. In fact, even if you wanted to, you couldn't leave home without it.

In order to activate your coverage, simply give thanks. Thanks in advance that the help you stand in need of has already been provided.

Please, be our guest, enjoy these privileges that you so richly deserve.

from Notes From the Universe at

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